Friday, April 11, 2008

Not sure where the time flew to...

It's April! Yeah!

Taxes hopefully means money back.

Here's something I bet you have never heard before:

"An Apple a Day
Sends the doctor away.

Apple in the morning,
Doctor's warning.

Roast apple at night,
Starves the doctor outright.

Eat an apple going to bed,
Knock the doctors on the head.

Three each day, seven days a week,
Rosy apple, rosy cheek."

We found this volume of treasure at the local Borders bookstore. Yummy!

Well off to finish a boatload of cards!

Let me know if you'd like to swap cards. Just as I post here quarterly, I hope to run these swaps every few months with seasonal themes. It's been a lot of fun. And I only get better and better.



Tonya Klar said...

Hi Ying! I'm feeling really generous today (that and I liked your fav things and well wishes for me...oh and your stamp lists!!) so if you are in the U.S. if you'll send me your addy I'll send you some PIF candy too! My email is back on my comments at

Blessings to you!

HappyGifting said...

Tonya, you rock!

I've decided this is where I'm posting card and craft related goods:

My PIF commitment is there. =)