Sunday, November 2, 2008

Yummy Maple... get yours now!

Mmmm... and with snowflake container:

After my stomach and my heart. Can't beat what's inside,...

Maple sugar candy.

I can imagine it melting in my mouth already.

Best yet... combined shipping or flat rate.

What a deal!

Maple cream
Maple peanut butter
Maple popcorn

How about winning some for yourself?

Monday, May 12, 2008


I love singing!

I started humming in elementary school. Got into trouble humming.

So when they started a choir before school I joined. I didn't particularly sang high or sang low but the teacher stuck me in between the sopranos and altos simply because I could carry the tune and wouldn't be persuaded by the other groups to sing theirs.

In college, I joined the North Seattle Community choir with Jennifer. I had the pleasure of singing with them for several seasons.

When I moved to NY, Martin and I sang with a para-professional group for a Season:
Oratorio Society of Queens

Andy thought we were better than he had expected. I'm not sure what he meant by that. LOL

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

True or False...

you decide but I couldn't resist sharing:

I remember learning about controversies in high school, the debate then was euthanasia and abortion. In college we covered test tube babies and domestic violence. Now, it is about stem cell research and corrective surgery in utero.

Not only that, read more about Michael's story. Take a peek behind the scene into journalism and how they choose to release the headline stories.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Stamps for 3 Causes

This is a great idea, thanks Gina!

Thank you for an opportunity to collect stamps and make a difference with your Stamps for a Cause program:

You pick which you want to support:

American Diabetes Association and the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation1
Autism Spreaks3


1 - "$7.00 of every stamp set will be divided equally between the American Diabetes Association and the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, two organizations that are working on research to find better ways to treat diabetes and hopefully will some day find a cure."
2 - "$7.00 of every set purchased will go directly to the Make a Wish Foundation."
3 - "Gina K. Designs will donate $8.00 from the purchase of every stamp set sold, mounted or unmounted directly to Autism Speaks."

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Oh a happier note, something else we all experience other things in life...

like the joys of parenting.

It used to be called March of Dimes.

Now it is March for Babies.

Please done to research and our future:

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Please send cards, thanks!

Dear friends,

Women and men are both afflicted with cancer.

Here is a simple request from Tammy to send cards to her wonderful friend Shelly:

We all know someone with cancer but here's a way to make a difference to one person.

Please send her a card, or for matter closer to home...

pick up the phone and call someone you have not talked to for a while now. =)

Monday, April 28, 2008

More than a survivor, an author too!

I met this wonderful generous lady named Vickie in one of my swap groups:

She pointed me towards a book written by her daughter Estar:

Please help spread the word. =) Thanks!

ps: More about Estar:

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Added links to charity and postcard to Zach


Please donate your time the next time you travel.

Zach loves receiving postcards from around the world.

Here is the post to read more:


Friday, April 11, 2008

Not sure where the time flew to...

It's April! Yeah!

Taxes hopefully means money back.

Here's something I bet you have never heard before:

"An Apple a Day
Sends the doctor away.

Apple in the morning,
Doctor's warning.

Roast apple at night,
Starves the doctor outright.

Eat an apple going to bed,
Knock the doctors on the head.

Three each day, seven days a week,
Rosy apple, rosy cheek."

We found this volume of treasure at the local Borders bookstore. Yummy!

Well off to finish a boatload of cards!

Let me know if you'd like to swap cards. Just as I post here quarterly, I hope to run these swaps every few months with seasonal themes. It's been a lot of fun. And I only get better and better.
